The Department of Pediatrics, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana which is an IAP Accredited CPR Training Centre organized the Advanced Life Support Course for Pediatrics on the 15 – 16 March,

 LUDHIANA  Punjabi Headline (HS KITTY)The Department of Pediatrics, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana which is an IAP Accredited CPR Training Centre organized the Advanced Life Support Course for Pediatrics on the 15 – 16 March, 2024. It was attended by 40 pediatricians from various centres of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh.
Dr. William Bhatti, The Director welcomed the pediatricians
Dr. William Bhatti, The Director welcomed the pediatricians and encouraged them to learn the vital skills. The Principal, Dr. Jeyaraj Pandian welcomed the delegates and appreciated the efforts of the Pediatric department in organizing trainings in Basic and Advanced Life Support.
Dr. Puneet Pooni [HOD,DMC, Ludhiana], Dr. Inderpreet Sohi [HOD, MMU Solan], Dr. Pradeep Sharma [Deep Hospital , Ludhiana], Dr. Karambir Singh [DMC, Ludhiana], Dr. Anuradha Bansal [PIMS, Jalandhar], Dr. Vipul Gupta [GMC, Chandigarh] were the faculty for the course.
Dr. Monika Sharma [HOD of Pediatrics Department, CMCL] mentioned that the Pediatric ALS course is an essential training program for pediatricians.

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